Custom Buttons Demo, Copyright (c) 1994 SoftCircuits Programming Redistributed by permission. This program may be distributed freely on the condition that it is distributed in full, and unmodified, and that no fee is charged for such distribution with the exception of reasonable media and shipping charges. Any or all portions of the source code may be incorporated into your own programs, and those programs may be distributed without payment of royalties on the condition that such programs differ substantially from this demonstration program. This program demonstrates how to create a number of non-rectangular buttons. The basic steps include creating bitmaps of the buttons for each postion, or state, that the button supports. The program then creates a Windows region used to perform a hit test on the button to determine if the mouse falls within it. Windows supports rectangular, elliptical and rounded rectangular (not used here) regions. Windows also support customized regions that you specify by giving a list of points that define the region. This program was distributed by: SoftCircuits Programming P.O. Box 16262 Irvine, CA 92713 CompuServe: 72134,263 SoftCircuits welcomes your comments or questions.